Requesting Information

Obtaining Information About a Charity or Professional Fundraiser

All charitable organization and professional fundraiser filings are public information. The list below provides tips for requesting information and summarizes the information available from the filings.

Tips for Requesting Information:

  1. What organization interests you? Check the current registration lists to see if the organization is registered in West Virginia.

  2. What information do you need? Read the list of information available in our records below before you decide what to request. A profile of a charity may be requested, which will give a general picture of the charity from information in the current registration. More detailed information may require the purchase of copies of records.

  3. If you need copies, the copy charge set by law is $1 for the first page and $.50 for each additional page. Payment must be received before copies can be delivered.

  4. See Ordering and Payment for information about options for placing your order and making payment.

Information Available For Charitable Organizations

  • Organization name, principal office address, and addresses of any offices in West Virginia.

  • Names and addresses of any chapters, branches or affiliates in West Virginia.

  • Place and date where the organization was legally established and the form of the organization.

  • Names and addresses of the officers, directors, trustees and the principal salaried executive staff officer.

  • Copy of the financial statement showing the type and amount of funds raised, expenses related to fundraising, and disbursements or allocations during the previous fiscal year, including the amount raised and spent in West Virginia.

  • For organizations raising more than $100,000 per year, an audit by an independent certified public accountant.

  • A copy of the IRS tax exempt status determination letter.

  • Whether the organization does its own solicitations or hires others to do the fundraising and copies of contracts with professional fundraising counsels or solicitors.

  • The purpose for which the contributions will be used.

  • The names under which the organization intends to solicit.

  • The names of individuals or officers which will have custody of the contributions and of those who will be responsible for distribution.

  • Whether the organization has ever been enjoined from soliciting contributions by a court.

Information Available For Professional Solicitors or Fundraising Counsel

  • Organization name, principal office address, and addresses of any offices in West Virginia.

  • Type of business entity.

  • Names and address of individuals, partners, officers and principal salaried executive staff.

  • Names and addresses of employees operating or soliciting in West Virginia.

  • Names and addresses of all subcontractors soliciting in West Virginia.

  • Location of all telemarketing operations in West Virginia.

  • All mailing addresses employed in the solicitation of funds in West Virginia.

  • Names and addresses of all charitable organizations with which the organization has contracts to act as a professional fundraising counsel or solicitor in West Virginia.

  • Terms of payment for each contract and copies of each contract.

  • Names and addresses of professional solicitors employed and the terms of payment.

  • Permits from any other governmental agency for soliciting funds.

  • Whether any license, registration or permit has been denied or revoked and the nature of the action.

  • Whether any disciplinary or court action has been taken against any members, employees, officers or directors of the organization and the nature of the action.

Contact the Charities Division for further assistance regarding charitable organizations, professional fundraisers and fundraising counsels.​​

If we may be of any further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us:  304.558.8000   toll free 866.767.8683  email: