e-Notarization (Electronic Notarization)

What is e-Notarization?

e-Notarization, or Electronic Notarization, is a process by which a notary provides an electronic acknowledgement for an electronic document (Microsoft Word, PDF, etc.). The effect is the same as a notary signing a hard copy of a paper document, but it allows for easier transmittal of the document by email or other electronic source and enables electronic filing.

How to Electronically Notarize Documents

You must be a commissioned Notary Public in order to electronically notarize documents. If you are not already a commissioned Notary Public, complete the Application for Appointment as a Notary Public (Enterprise Registration & Licensing System) and submit it to the Secretary of State’s Office with the required filing fee.

Follow these steps to become an e-Notary:

  1. Select a valid technology to electronically notarize documents. The technology you choose must meet the requirements set forth in West Virginia 153 CSR 45. The following list of vendors is not exhaustive and is provided only for informational convenience and as a courtesy. Inclusion in this list in no manner reflects any endorsement or confirms any satisfaction of the technology requirements. E-Notary applicants are responsible for ensuring the technology selected satisfies the requirements.

    Note: To request inclusion in the below list please email LPowell@wvsos.gov. The WVSOS does not endorse or take any responsibility for any vendor’s agreements, products, or services. The below list reflects vendors who have requested to have their company listed on this webpage and shall not be construed as any indication that the vendor’s products or services satisfy the technology requirements.

    The following list of vendors provide e-notary services. WVSOS does not specifically endorse any of these vendors, and provides this information as a courtesy to all West Virginians.

  2. Once you have selected a technology, fill out an e-Notarization Authorization application (Form N-2) and submit it to the Secretary of State’s Office. There is no fee to register as an e-Notary. However, you must be a commissioned Notary Public in order to be an e-Notary.

After you receive confirmation of your e-Notary status by Secretary of State, you may begin to notarize documents electronically using the technology you’ve selected.

Important Things to Remember

  • Even for e-Notarization, the person whose signature you are verifying must physically be in your presence. Phone calls, webcams, Skype, FaceTime, or other electronic methods of communication are not acceptable unless notarial services are provided under WV Code §39-4-6a, §39-4-37, or §39-4-38.

  • If you change the technology you use for e-Notarization, you must notify the Secretary of State’s Office.

  • If you violate any of the laws or rules of e-Notarization, your e-Notary registration may be conditioned, suspended, or revoked. A violation could, but does not necessarily, result in the conditioning, suspension, or revocation of your commission as a notary public.

Contact the Notary Division for further assistance regarding Notary Public commission.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

If we may be of any further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us:  304.558.8000   toll free 866.767.8683  email:   Notary@wvsos.gov
