State Fair of WV receives the prestigious “Centurion Chamber of Commerce” designation from WV Secretary of State


​Charleston, W.Va. – Nestled in Greenbrier County where the event can trace its origins back to 1854, the State Fair of West Virginia—the state’s largest fair—has been entertaining and educating young and old for more than 100 years.

In 2025, the State Fair will be celebrating its 100th annual event at the fairgrounds located in Lewisburg, WV. This year’s State Fair is scheduled to take place August 7-16. A complete schedule of the Fair’s activities and events can be found HERE.

Earlier this week, the WV Legislature recognized the Fair’s current president, staff, and board of directors to congratulate them on their ongoing efforts of showcasing West Virginia agriculture and celebrating state art, cooking, and entertainment.

Photo of Kris Warner presenting the WV Centurion Chamber of Commberce Certificate to WV State Fair CEO Kelly Tuckwiller Collins.

Photo: Secretary of State Kris Warner is seen here at the State Capitol on Wednesday presenting the “WV Centurion Chamber of Commerce” certificate to WV State Fair CEO Kelly Tuckwiller Collins with members of the Fair’s staff and board of directors.

During their visit to the State Capitol on Wednesday, WV Secretary of State Kris Warner used the opportunity to award the Fair with the prestigious “Centurion Chamber of Commerce” designation. Membership int the Centurion Chamber of Commerce is limited to WV businesses that have been in continuous operation for 100 years or more.

“Centurions are West Virginia businesses that have withstood the test of time,” WV Secretary of State Kris Warner told the Fair’s board of directors before presenting the designation. “World Wars, depressions, recessions, and pandemics are just some of the major challenges that West Virginia Centurions have endured and survived.”

Warner explained that you can find Centurion businesses involved in just about every major event, activity, or fundraiser in the communities that they serve. Centurion businesses are deeply rooted in their communities and the West Virginia economy.

For that reason and many others, Warner said he was honored to present the Centurion designation to the State Fair of West Virginia—which has actually been around for more than 100 years.

The Declaration of Independence was only 78 years old when the Greenbrier Agricultural Society began organizing an annual fair in 1854, nearly a decade before West Virginia became a state.

On March 19, 1921— the Greenbrier Valley Fair officially chartered their annual fair with a document and the expectation to become and remain West Virginia’s largest fair.

Then 20 years later on March 19, 1941— the state legislature passed an act designating the Greenbrier Valley Fair as the State Fair of West Virginia.

“Over the years, the success of the Fair led to expanded opportunities, events, and ways to highlight innovation in the agricultural industry. The name has changed, and the location has changed, but the commitment of the Board of Directors has remained steadfast and dedicated to the original vision for a State Fair,” Secretary Warner said.

“Since 1921, the much-anticipated annual State Fair of West Virginia has been enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of families from not just the Mountain State, but throughout the entire country,” said Secretary Warner. “It is a unique opportunity to showcase West Virginia.”

Learn more about The State Fair of West Virginia.

Contact Information

Diane Nester - Assistant Director of Communications