Other Trademark and Service Mark Filings


To renew protection of a mark for an additional ten-year period, file the renewal by completing the following within the six months immediately preceding the expiration of the mark:


The law makes no provision for amendment of an existing mark. If the mark is graphically redesigned but includes the same words or similar symbols as a currently protected mark owned by the same person, file a new:/p>

Once Secretary of State approves the new mark, you may either:

  • allow the old mark to expire, or
  • cancel it immediately (see Cancellation below).


To assign ownership of a mark, the current owner must send to Secretary of State via written letter on the current owner’s letterhead:

  • Notice of assignment with the specifics of the mark,

  • Full name and address of the new owner, and

  • Notice must be signed and notarized in the presence of a notary public.

  • Use the Filing Submission Instructions & Customer Order Request when submitting the above information with the filing fee.


To cancel the registration of a mark at any time prior to expiration, the current owner must send to Secretary of State via written letter on the current owner’s letterhead:

If we may be of any further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us:  304.558.8000   toll free 866.767.8683  email:   Business@wvsos.gov